Warden Park Secondary Academy

The Best From All
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In developing the Academy we are delighted to work in close partnership with:


Our work in developing students’ and teachers’ using of iPads to develop teaching and learning has been recognised by Apple through their awarding us Apple Distinguished School status. This is a prestigious award which only 41 schools in the UK and 400 schools worldwide have achieved.

Covid Symptom Study
We are in a pioneering partnership with the Covid Symptom Study team as the first secondary school in the UK to be reporting pupil symptoms to the research team based at King's College London.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Quality Mark

Our work towards addressing inequality has been recognised through the recently achieved Quality Mark. At the heart of this is an inclusive approach for all pupils, the promotion of multiculturalism and the celebration of difference in all it forms.

Haywards Heath Business Association (HHBA)

We work in close partnership with the HHBA to help provide support for local businesses. We are indebted to the members of the HHBA who provide support and opportunities for our students through work experience, interview training and careers talks. 

Leading Edge

The Leading Edge is the only national network of high performing schools. As a high performing secondary school we are able to collaborate with schools who are already excellent in the pursuit of further improvements and to benchmark ourselves in relation to the highest of educational standards. Through our engagement with the Leading Edge, our work in ‘engaging with evidence and research’ to improve the quality of education has been accredited as being ‘Transformational’ which places Warden Park amongst the very best in the country.


SSAT is the largest network of schools in the UK. Our membership allows us to draw on the very latest educational thinking and practice to help improve outcomes for students and the professional development of leaders and teachers.  

Cyber Essentials
We ensure our school's cybersecurity by passing a quality mark inspection through the government supported Cyber Essentials Scheme