Warden Park Secondary Academy

The Best From All


Some of the most formative learning and development opportunities are gained through involvement in experiences beyond the conventional classroom. Therefore, providing a rich and diverse range of enrichment opportunities, trips, visits and clubs is central to the Warden Park curriculum offer. 

Trips and visits linked to the curriculum operate throughout the year and this mix, alongside our flagship ‘Enrichment Week’ in the summer term and opportunities for overnight residential visits and international travel, ensures that there is something for everyone.   

Whilst new learning is always at the heart of all that we do, these opportunities beyond the classroom provide opportunities for students to make new friends and strengthen relationships whilst engaging in the things they are passionate about. Through these opportunities students will have some of their greatest accomplishments e.g representing their House or the  Academy, performing to an audience, completing a challenge, making a charitable contribution, gaining a qualification. 



Click here to see what clubs we are offering!

Click here to see the PE Clubs we are offering!

