Here at Warden Park we have very high expectations with regards to our students' standards of uniform and behaviour. Excellence in these aspects underpins strong academic outcomes, instills good habits and strengthens relationships and the sense of belonging that helps ensure that Warden Park is a safe and supportive community.
The climate for learning at Warden Park is excellent and a calm, orderly and purposeful air permeates throughout lessons and throughout the wider academy day. Underpinning this climate is an inclusive approach that champions respectful relationships and an appreciation and celebration of individual differences.
This foundation provides the conditions which allow excellent teaching to be the norm in each and every lesson. Through this, our students make excellent progress in their learning and leave empowered to engage successfully in the next stage of their development.
All of this is underpinned by sustaining strong relationships established between the Academy and parents/carers and details of how we can work effectively in partnership are detaled in our Home School Agreement.
Click here for full details of our uniform expectations.
Further details of our expectations regarding behaviour can be found in our policy documents. Click here for our dedicated policy website