The criteria for admissions to Warden Park Secondary Academy follow the mandatory guidance in the Statutory Admissions Codes of the Department for Education (DfE) and the law.
This form should be completed when applying for a place at Warden Park Secondary Academy, Cuckfield, only if you meet one or more of the following conditions :
*Brothers or sisters may be half or step-siblings, adopted siblings or the child of the parent/carer’s partner but must be living permanently at the same address.
It is acknowledged that children with an Education Health Plan that specifies the school will be given prior consideration either for one of the Specialist Support Centre places or the ‘main roll’. Beyond these children places will be allocated on the following basis with the ‘tie-breaker’ in each category (should they be over-subscribed) being nearest ‘as the crow flies’ from the child’s home front door to that of the Academy.
[1] A Looked After Child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989).
[2] Parents/carers must provide written supporting evidence from an appropriately qualified person (usually a doctor or social worker) if they wish to apply under exceptional and compelling social, psychological or medical grounds where used. The evidence should state clearly why the academy is best suited to meet the child's specific needs. Letters from parents are not considered sufficient evidence. The term "parent" includes other legal guardians. Such applications will be considered by a panel of three academy Directors advised by the Headteacher.
[3] A catchment area is a geographical area served by Warden Park Secondary Academy and defined on a map. Parents are informed of the catchment academy or school for their home address. Maps are available from
[4] Brothers or sisters may be half or step-siblings, adopted siblings or the child of the parent/carer's partners but must be living permanently at the same address.
[5] Application submission deadline established by West Sussex County Council.
In the case of oversubscription in any of the above categories, priority of placement is given to applicants who live nearest the academy (measured in a straight line from the child's home front door to that of the Academy, using Ordnance Survey Data from a central point in each building). A home address is the address recorded on the Local Authority database as provided by the parents.
Admission arrangements for Warden Park are co-ordinated by: Pupil Admissions Office, County Hall North, Horsham, West Sussex. RH12 1XA. Tel: 01403 229102. Fax: 01403 240158. Email:
For information about how to apply, please go to Applications are usually made on line. If you have problems, please alert the Pupil Admissions Office.
Applicants from East Sussex must complete the East Sussex application form. This can be completed on line. The form will be forwarded to the West Sussex Admissions Office by East Sussex County Council.
Parents should keep the Admissions Team informed of any changes to their circumstances once an application has been made.
Please note that visits to the academy do not form part of the process of deciding which children are to be offered a place at the academy.
The WSCC admissions team will confirm a young person’s place with parents or carers and with the academy. A senior member of the Warden Park staff will then contact parents or carers as soon as is practicable to make the necessary arrangements to enrol the young person at Warden Park.
Parents of children with disabilities or Statements of Special Educational Need should contact us when their children are in Year 4 of primary school.
Further general information on admissions and appeals, can be obtained from
Once your son or daughter’s place is confirmed, we will then contact you.
Warden Park Secondary Academy is a significantly over-subscribed school demonstrating the high regard with which it is held in the local community. We have 300 places available in Year 7 each year. We welcome all students, including those with particular gifts and talents or with Additional Educational Needs as long as they will benefit from a mainstream education and will contribute to the development and well being of the academy community. The Academy’s catchment area will remain as agreed with the Local Authority in 2012.
We welcome the opportunity of meeting you and believe you will find many reasons for choosing Warden Park for your child. See below for information on tours throughout the year. In year admission enquiries should be directed to: Mr M Sorrell, Deputy Headteacher
Information on availability of places in current Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (including waiting list information) can be obtained from West Sussex County Council, Pupil Admissions on Telephone Number: 033 301 42903 or Catchment maps can be obtained from the Pupil Admissions Office of the Local Authority Contact Pupil Admissions.
The criteria for admissions to Warden Park Secondary Academy follow the mandatory guidance in the Statutory Admissions Codes of the Department for Education (DfE) and the law.
This form should be completed when applying for a place at Warden Park Secondary Academy, Cuckfield, only if you meet one or more of the following conditions :
*Brothers or sisters may be half or step-siblings, adopted siblings or the child of the parent/carer’s partner but must be living permanently at the same address.
It is acknowledged that children with an Education Health Plan that specifies the school will be given prior consideration either for one of the Specialist Support Centre places or the ‘main roll’. Beyond these children places will be allocated on the following basis with the ‘tie-breaker’ in each category (should they be over-subscribed) being nearest ‘as the crow flies’ from the child’s home front door to that of the Academy.
[1] A Looked After Child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989).
[2] Parents/carers must provide written supporting evidence from an appropriately qualified person (usually a doctor or social worker) if they wish to apply under exceptional and compelling social, psychological or medical grounds where used. The evidence should state clearly why the academy is best suited to meet the child's specific needs. Letters from parents are not considered sufficient evidence. The term "parent" includes other legal guardians. Such applications will be considered by a panel of three academy Directors advised by the Headteacher.
[3] A catchment area is a geographical area served by Warden Park Secondary Academy and defined on a map. Parents are informed of the catchment academy or school for their home address. Maps are available from
[4] Brothers or sisters may be half or step-siblings, adopted siblings or the child of the parent/carer's partners but must be living permanently at the same address.
[5] Application submission deadline established by West Sussex County Council.
In the case of oversubscription in any of the above categories, priority of placement is given to applicants who live nearest the academy (measured in a straight line from the child's home front door to that of the Academy, using Ordnance Survey Data from a central point in each building). A home address is the address recorded on the Local Authority database as provided by the parents.
Admission arrangements for Warden Park are co-ordinated by: Pupil Admissions Office, County Hall North, Horsham, West Sussex. RH12 1XA. Tel: 01403 229102. Fax: 01403 240158. Email:
For information about how to apply, please go to Applications are usually made on line. If you have problems, please alert the Pupil Admissions Office.
Applicants from East Sussex must complete the East Sussex application form. This can be completed on line. The form will be forwarded to the West Sussex Admissions Office by East Sussex County Council.
Parents should keep the Admissions Team informed of any changes to their circumstances once an application has been made.
Please note that visits to the academy do not form part of the process of deciding which children are to be offered a place at the academy.
The WSCC admissions team will confirm a young person’s place with parents or carers and with the academy. A senior member of the Warden Park staff will then contact parents or carers as soon as is practicable to make the necessary arrangements to enrol the young person at Warden Park.
Parents of children with disabilities or Statements of Special Educational Need should contact us when their children are in Year 4 of primary school.
Further general information on admissions and appeals, can be obtained from
Once your son or daughter’s place is confirmed, we will then contact you.
Warden Park Secondary Academy is a significantly over-subscribed school demonstrating the high regard with which it is held in the local community. We have 300 places available in Year 7 each year. We welcome all students, including those with particular gifts and talents or with Additional Educational Needs as long as they will benefit from a mainstream education and will contribute to the development and well being of the academy community. The Academy’s catchment area will remain as agreed with the Local Authority in 2012.
We welcome the opportunity of meeting you and believe you will find many reasons for choosing Warden Park for your child. See below for information on tours throughout the year. In year admission enquiries should be directed to: Mr M Sorrell, Deputy Headteacher
Information on availability of places in current Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (including waiting list information) can be obtained from West Sussex County Council, Pupil Admissions on Telephone Number: 033 301 42903 or Catchment maps can be obtained from the Pupil Admissions Office of the Local Authority Contact Pupil Admissions.